I have for years been fascinated by the effects of poor posture on our total health. Research confirms that posture misalignments force our body to compensate in order to function which results in a myriad of maladies. I learned in my own life that discipline alone can’t keep the shoulders back, head up or hips even. Last December I attended a nutrition convention in Orlando and found the answer to retraining the whole body on vastly improving total posture. I met Dr Evelyn Zuehlke-Haworth and her husband Kelly. Dr Zuehike-Haworth invented a system referred to as “Kacelia true align body system”. This is an at home treatment that takes only 30 minutes and offers tremendous results quickly. I actually gained one inch of height in my first session!
The Kacelia system was designed by Dr Zuehilke-Haworth. It comes with step-by-step instructions for the patient to use to ensure proper setup at home. The body is supported face down at key points, allowing gravity to exert a gentle downward pressure encouraging the sacroiliac, spinal, shoulder and TMJ joints to be stretched and shaped to an improved biomechanical position.
I had the special opportunity to experience the power of this simple looking device during my convention trip and must say I was highly impressed with my results. You can watch the link to the show, ‘The Doctors” where they demonstrate the Kacelia to learn how it works. To view this click here.
I can promise you that my forward head lean improved more in 25 minutes than ever before in my life and my height increased by ONE INCH! Now, of course, to get more permanent results would require me using Kacelia often which is what I plan to do.

Daily use results in improved posture, flexibility and alignment. It can be extremely effective in alleviating anterior head carriage, whiplash injuries, scoliosis, disc problems, sciatica, upper cervical related headaches, sinus pressure, TMJ/Bruxism, and spinal related neuropathies and radiculopathies.
The exciting news is that we are going to have Dr. Evelyn Zuehlke-Haworth and her husband Kelly travel to Nutrition World in order to offer free treatments on the Kacelia to our customers! We will allow those who make an appointment to be evaluated, height measured and placed on the Kacelia. Thirty minutes later you will stand up and almost feel that you are in a younger body!
We are offering a limited number of appointments!Monday & Tuesday, June 20th and 21st from 9am-6pm.To sign up for your FREE Kacelia treatment click here for online appointments or call Nutrition World at 423-892-4085.